
Julia Campbell

⛔ I won't let this stand

Published 20 days ago • 1 min read

I finally listened to the now infamous episode of Simon Sinek's podcast “A Bit of Optimism” where he talked with Scott Harrision of charity:water.

To say I am disappointed is to sugar coat what I’m feeling after listening.

Simon starts right off the bat spewing misinformation and downright lies, by saying:

“A lot of people are cynical about charity, and charitable giving. And they have every right to be.

So much of our money that we give to charity never makes it to the cause.

In fact only a small percentage of it does. Too much goes to the overhead. Disproportionately high.”

No data, no sources, no receipts for this claim.

He then launches into praise for charity:water’s famous 100% model, which is a bit disingenuous, because of course, charity:water has so-called “overhead.” (The horror.)

What works in charity:water’s 100% Model is that it is powered by a small and dedicated group of private donors, known as The Well. So, overhead still exists. And it’s funded. Just in private, by wealthy donors. (So the general public doesn't have to DEAL with it.)

Sure, “people” may be cynical about charity, but that’s not the majority of people.

The **majority** of people are generous, helping each other out in big and small ways, volunteering, and making gifts large and small to the causes that they care about.

And to claim that only a small percentage of charitable donations make it to the cause?

That is a huge slap in the face to all the hard working nonprofit professionals out there.

It’s a direct insult, and not only that, it’s incorrect.

To learn about the overhead myth, why it perpetuates, and why it is so destructive to social change work, I recommend that Simon read The overhead myth: crash course to fundraising transparency on the Candid blog.

When you have such a huge platform, it’s important that you get the words, and the data, correct.

Spreading outright lies about the nonprofit sector is destructive and dangerous.

We must do better, and we must call out those of us who continue to perpetuate these myths, and spread mistrust of the nonprofit sector.

(H/T to Shannon McCracken, CAE for first posting about this.)

**I first posted this on LinkedIn and it got such a great reception I wanted to share it with you, my email subscribers. To comment on LinkedIn, go here.**

Enjoy your day, Reader, and please hit reply with any questions and comments.



Julia Campbell

Named as a top thought leader and one to follow by Forbes and LinkedIn for Nonprofits, Julia Campbell is a nonprofit digital consultant, speaker, and author on a mission to make the digital world a better place. Host of the acclaimed Nonprofit Nation podcast, she’s written two books for nonprofits on social media and storytelling, and her online courses, webinars, and talks have helped hundreds of nonprofits make the shift to digital thinking. You can learn more about Julia at Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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