
Julia Campbell

Advice for small and startup nonprofits 🏁

Published about 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader!

If you have ever struggled to get more involvement in your nonprofit, from funders, board members, and the community, this episode of Nonprofit Nation is made for you!

My guest this week is Tiffany Allen. Tiffany is the CEO of Boss on a Budget, a small firm that teaches communities to form strong nonprofits and obtain funding. Her passion is working with Black-led nonprofits and other new nonprofits, teaching them to use their skills and talents to get funding.

We discuss:

  • How brand new nonprofits can go from zero donors to raising the funds to make change and create impact;
  • How to raise startup funds for your nonprofit;
  • How to design a own peer-to-peer campaign;
  • How to pick technology to use as a small nonprofit;
  • How to motivate volunteers to help raise more money.


My friends at Gravyty are presenting a free webinar next week just for us:

⌨️ 7 Digital Fundraising Trends Transforming Nonprofits ⌨️

I'm the host, and you don't want to miss it!

From omnichannel donor engagement to leveraging AI and capitalizing on donor-advised funds, we'll delve into strategies that can elevate your nonprofit's impact and financial sustainability.

I hope this week finds you in great spirits. Let me know what you are working on!



Julia Campbell

Named as a top thought leader and one to follow by Forbes and LinkedIn for Nonprofits, Julia Campbell is a nonprofit digital consultant, speaker, and author on a mission to make the digital world a better place. Host of the acclaimed Nonprofit Nation podcast, she’s written two books for nonprofits on social media and storytelling, and her online courses, webinars, and talks have helped hundreds of nonprofits make the shift to digital thinking. You can learn more about Julia at Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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